


14 June

Different Laboratory Separation Techniques

Separation Techniques

Separation is a process to achieve the phenomenon that converts a mixture of chemicals substances into two or more distinct product mixtures, at least one of which is enriched in one or more of mixture constituents.
Separation techniques:
The techniques of separations are of many types depending upon the nature of mixture. Which are given below,

  • ·           Filtration

More common method of separating an insoluble solid from a liquid. An example of such a mixture is sand and water. Filtration is used in water treatment plants. 

·        Evaporation
The process involves heating the solution until the solvent evaporates (turns into gas) leaving behind the solid residue.

·        Simple  distillation

This method is best for separating a liquid from a solution. In a way, the concept of simple distillation is similar to evaporation, but in this case, the vapors are collected by condensation process.


Sublimation is a process in which a solid substance directly to a vapor without first passing through the liquid state.
The term is also used to describe the reverse process of the gas changing directly to the solid again upon cooling.


This is used to separate two liquids that do not mix, but separate into two distinct layers.
For example water and petrol. The lower denser liquid is trapped off, leaving the upper less dense liquid layer in the funnel.

·      Chromatography
Chromatography is a physical method of separation. In this method of separation the solvent which is to be separated is placed in the mobile phase which is liquid or a gas, which float over the stationary phase which is usually of solid.

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