


21 April

Introduction to Family Clubionidae


There are a lot of confusing qualification dates associated with spiders in the Clubionidae family. The eight eyes were arranged in two rows, and there used to be a large group of spiders that controlled a wide variety of spiders, similar to the two rows of eight eyes on their body. As a large group of spiders grew on a plant, silicocytes or vesicles were produced to protect the cones from predators that touched and filtered them. Under the bark, between the leaves, or under the rocks, there can be a variety of hiding places.

There are a number of different spider families that live within them, and some of them are similar to the claws of the three spiders like the lynx spider or the wolf spider, rather than being aggressive clubs.



There are a number of spider families previously classified as stock spiders, and some have common names, including "spider sacks," such as:

·         Spider Enifida Bag
·         Tengellid spider
·         Corinid spider sack
·         Zoroastrian spider
·         Long stem spider 
·         Choking spider blood bag

 There are now more than 500 species of Clubionidae in 15 genera worldwide, in addition to the rest of the Clubionidae. In this case, the user must refer to a member of the family Clubionidae when using a "spider of the bag".


In order to find prey, these spiders crawl around the plants. Many habitats that contain a variety of plants are suitable for their presence. Buildings and houses often have a few types of this family.

Habitat areas: moderate, tropical. Ground

Terrestrial biota: taiga; Oak. Forest; tropical forest; scrub forest

Wetlands: swamp swamp

Other habitats Characteristics: Urban; Suburban; Agricultural


The 540 species of spiders in this family can be found all over the world. Michigan has only 30 species.

Physical description:

A spider is a pale-colored, medium-sized arachnid with a body length ranging from 5 to 12 millimeters. The cephalothorax is located in the front of the spider, and behind the cephalothorax, there is a belly. In total, they have eight legs, which are all attached to the sword's chest in some way. A member of this family has rather long legs that are two times longer than the body, and these legs are quite long as well.

Pedipalps are a pair of small legs that are situated in the frontal part of the cephalothorax and are referred to as small legs. As well as being used to snatch, these prey are also used by the species for mating purposes. As a matter of fact, the pedipalps of male spiders are much larger than those of female spiders. Throughout the entire family, there are eight species, which are arranged in two rows of four eyes each. The eyes of these men are small and of similar size, but there have been times when the eyes of the front row have been larger and elliptical than those in the back row. They have stronger lips, and their fans may be slightly longer than those of other spiders of the same size, making them distinctive among other spiders. There is a poison gland on the abdomen of every bag spider.
The most common kind of houses for granular spiders can be yellowish white, some of them are lighter and some are light brown in color. There is always a greater degree of darkness around your eyes and the parts of your mouth that are closer to them, no matter how pale you are.


There are four pairs of eyes arranged in different ways.


In addition to being aggressive hunters, spiders have a strong sense of smell. It is believed that they hunt for plants during the night, bite, and eat the insects and other invertebrates that they find there.


It is believed that Sak spiders spin small, silky rooms where they hide during the day. It is not uncommon for them to twist and walk through the leaves, or hide under a stick or stone from predators. It is difficult to see them during the day because they are only active at night. Whenever they have the chance, they will bite to defend themselves.

Predators know:

Other Araneas
• Formicidae
• Membrane wings
• Anora
• Soricidae


Seeing as these spiders are active in the dark, they are mainly dependent on smell, touch, and taste to communicate with one another. Despite the fact that you can see, it is not very clear.


  • There are different reproduction seasons for various species, but most of them are between spring and autumn. 
  • Asexual reproduction, internal fertilization, and sexual reproduction are the main reproductive characteristics; 
  • In order for a female spider to lay her eggs, she uses the same silk bag she uses for hiding her eggs. The eggs are kept in the incubator until they hatch. 
  •  In order to make sure that parents invest in their children, a woman needs to provide parental care.


An egg is a place where spiders are born. It would be safe to say that small cows resemble large spiders to a large extent, although they can vary slightly in color as they age. During their life, they will have to get rid of their outer structure several times throughout their lives, so that they can grow.

Useful life:

A spider usually lives in this family for a period of about a year. In the case of females, they can live for longer periods of time. In many cases, males die shortly after they are mated.

The state:

As far as I know, no species of spider is under threat of extinction or needs to be protected from extinction.


Many insects that are harmful to humans and the environment are attacked by spiders in bags.

A positive effect of this treatment is the control of pest populations in the area


The types of this family are not very serious, but they can give you a painful bite if you are not careful.

Negative Effects: Human Injury (Bites or Stings)


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